NYCTA 7 Line by The NYCTBA Team

The 7 Local was created by Ernie Alston in 2001. This line runs from Times Square in Manhattan to Main Street Flushing Queens


Ernie Alston: Overall route design development, and coding. Phil Domiguez: R36 (Redbird) Train Files, also provided signage and signalling information for the #7 Line. Peter Feigenbaum: Provided Subway Train (R36 & R32) images placed along the route, as well as other images. Roberto M. Marrero Provided very usefull information regarding individual Station details. Tony Montalbano Provided Info regarding announcements, and other misc info regarding the NYC Subway system.

Please visit Ernie`s website


I created the 7 Express by using Ernie`s 7 local`s objects and coding with his permission.

Thanks to Ernie for creating this great route.

Thanks to Kevin at for hosting the route

To install: Unzip the files, you will find 4 WinRar EXE files. Run all 4 of the EXE`s. They will install directly into your BVE2 if it is located in the default folder on your PC. The Route was initially made for BVE1.1, but will run on BVE2 & BVE4.

To run the route you will need these 2 trains:

R36 for the local R62 for the Express

These are also available at

Thanks for downloading Ernie`s route

Questions, Comments, please visit

Joe ONeil

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File Information

Released : 11-28-2007
Size : 2.53 MB
Type : Routes
Rating :
Views : 28221
Downloads : 12510
