Harbourvale Line v4 by nickgoh_45

The Harbourvale Line is a fictional mainly based on Singapore and New York. The route has been created using Routebuilder.

I would like to thank Jcqh (from SGForums) for allowing me to use part of his C651's Klaxon2, RonBVE (http://www.geocities.jp/ronbve/) for the C751Bs, eezypeazy ( http://www.eezypeazy.co.uk/) for the orange detached house and guillyman and surfsup ( http://www.eezypeazy.co.uk/) for the brick arch object as well as Alfred Barten (http://alfredbarten.com/) for his photographers. I would also like to thank SGForums and BVEStation for the support the members have given me.

If you need any objects from my route, please inform me. DO NOT USE ANY OBJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to post in the forums (http://www.harbourvalebve.webs.com) or send me an email ( nickgoh45@hotmail.com ). Thank you again and have a pleasant journey! =)

Other Credits (Routebuilder):

credits -- freeobject artists used with kind permission/free-to-use-donations/ by routebuilder object base library agreement
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Anthony Bowden(light inspired from his "City Glow" effect) Daniel Hill Darwin eezypeazy Fons de Jong Jan de Jong Kevin Taylor Lemontea Lemontea(original) mtrkwt Rainer Hubner Richard Long Sanford Mace Simon Man smace(his/her converter) smace(mirror the left one to do this) smace(modifier) Station Sign Maker for Route Thomas233 unknown

Thank you for downloading the Harbourvale Line v4. This route is for OpenBVE/BVE4. The default train is 113_6 (Mackoy's Uchibo Line Default Train).

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File Information

Released : 7-15-2010
Size : 5.85 MB
Type : Routes
Rating :
Views : 14483
Downloads : 4246
