Port Authority Trans-Hudson PA4 & PA5 Fleet by JoshAnariba104

This is The PATH Train Both PA4 And PA5 Unfortianly There is No PATH Train routes due to An Devolopment Along with An NYCT 4 Non-Fictional Route Wich Both Will Be On BVEStation To Download In Early 2017

NYCT N train
2016-04-11 20:15:29
Why do you keep reposting stuff from openbveconnect.com? It is already available for download there so there is no need to put it here and you don't even credit the original creator from that site. If it is for Hmmsim it could be fine, but if it is the same content from openbveconnect you shouldn't repost it.
2016-04-11 20:29:13
Im just uploading it here so they could look for it easier and besides The other user upload the R30 From openbve connection And Also how could it be for hmmsim its a train not a route
NYCT N train
2016-04-11 20:58:37
Well when I uploaded something from OpenBVE Connect the BVE staff complained to me and now all these other people get to? wtf
2016-04-12 20:30:15
Speaking of hmmsim, can we get a PATH train sim on here for hmmsim/hmmsim 2?
2016-04-18 00:56:15
There is no PA-5, just a PA-4.
2016-05-04 00:20:32
Its not allowed thats why theres 2 different sites
2016-06-21 01:46:08
I don't think Mister PuertoRican88 will like this. Please take it down.
2016-09-07 15:45:02
Hello, this file is on OpenBve Connect already. So Please Take this down
2019-11-18 14:30:14
This train did not work for me. I'm wondering if its a glitch? Because the train won't move. If you could fix and repost it would be nice thank you. By the way it's late 2019.
Eastcoast Railer
2020-07-17 18:11:17
@ NewYorkSubwayFan Seems no one communicates anymore here, anyway I'm just so glad to be here OpenBVE makes my 4th PC train Game I own most of the trains in the Tri-State thanks to Train Simulator, World Of Subways 1 & 4 and OpenBVE. I just went Chock full of nuts seeing All NY, NJ, PA and CT trains and have spent $500+ between Routes, Scenerio's, Diesel's, Intermodals, Rolling Stock!
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File Information

Released : 4-15-2016
Size : 2 bytes
Type : Trains
Rating :
Views : 17754
Downloads : 6896


Port Authority Trans-Hudson PA4 Port Authority Trans-Hudson PA5