NYCTA BMT X Line (Fictional) by JayJay85
New York City Transit Authority BMT (X) 2 Avenue Express/Staten Island Local: from Central Park West in Manhattan to Tottenville in Staten Island New York City Transit Authority BMT 2 Avenue Express/Staten Island Express "X Express in peak direction on weekdays Northbound 5:30am to 12:35pm southbound 1:15pm to 1:145pm": from Central Park West in Manhattan to Perth Amboy in New Jersey
Thank You for downloading our finctional NYC Subway Line. This line is base on history of Staten Island and 2nd Avenue Line was supposed to be built by the IND (Second System) or BMT back in late 1920s to early 1940s due to the 1929 stock market crash Depression these lines could not be built.
if these lines was built back in 1920s and 1930s then today these lines would have a very high ridership.
I would like to thank the following people: Mr.Mackoy for the BVE program and his generosity in giving it to us for free. Rudiger Hulsmann for his Switch program used to make all rails and curved road objects. Joe ONeil for use of some of his objects from the A,R Lines. Erik for used of some of his objects from 7 Line. Kimberly Baxter announcements in the final version for X line. Dalmarie Quinones helping me to build this line. also some of the objects came from my T, F Lines. some objects came from ipaclansite.
Installing the Route:
The files are in a self-extracting format, just choose your main BVE folder.
In case it`s not working check the files to see if they are in the correct folders:
In the Routes folder you should have 3 folders named "NYCT-X" , "NYCT-X (Express)", "NYCT-X (Weekday only)" In the Object folder you should have 2 folders named "Richmond" and "Si West" In the Sounds folder you should have 1 folder named "X1"
Notice: In order to play this Line you will need the A Line's 8th Avenue, Lefshut folders Notice: In order to play this Line you will need the R44, R160B train sets. If you have any comments or questions, pleas e-mail me at
Jamie Pauling, Dalmarie Quinones and Kimberly Baxter
2019-04-20 21:08:52
X was originally proposed as a route from 21st Street to the World Trade Center (via the IND Sixth Avenue Line), but the route never surfaced. X is used as a placeholder for routes under construction.
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File Information
Released : 3-23-2008
Size : 42.98 MB
Type : Routes
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Views : 12111
Downloads : 3852