R16 by CT1660 and Mr Railfan

The R16 was a New York City Subway car manufactured by American Car and Foundry Company. The R16s were assigned to the BMT Eastern Division, although they showed up on the IND Queens Boulevard Line and BMT Southern Divisions from time to time.

The R16s quickly became the new standard in car design for the New York City Transit Authority. Structurally and mechanically, they were the larger versions of the R17s and basically an improved version of the R10s cars with same exact dimensions except that the R16s had electric door engines while the R10s had the air door engines.

Four R16s exist today: 6305 and 6339 at MTA NYC Transit's Coney Island Complex in Brooklyn, 6387 at the New York Transit Museum, and 6398 at the Trolley Museum of New York

2015-07-04 04:03:59
This trainset is a retro-masterpiece ... a diamond in the rough--- don't stop looking back builders...
2015-07-05 05:07:47
I placed this set on the A line...an epic set on an epic route ---oldskool to the bone...
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File Information

Released : 1-6-2014
Size : 2 bytes
Type : Trains
Rating :
Views : 11109
Downloads : 4218
