WMATA Red Line by Oren H. & Fan Railer

WMATA Red Line-Shady Grove to Glenmont
Distance: 33.49 miles Travel Time: 61 minutes

WMATA's Red Line was the first of the Washington D.C. MetroRail lines to open and the 4th to be completed in full. It is the longest in terms of mileage and is the busiest in terms of numbers of passengers carried.

Section Openings for the Red Line:

March 27, 1976: Opens from Rhode Island Avenue to Farragut North (Gallery Place opens at a later date due to the lack of an elevator)

December 15, 1977: Gallery Place opens, no route miles added

January 17, 1977: Extended to DuPont Circle

February 6, 1978: Extended to Silver Spring

December 5, 1981: Extended to Van Ness-UDC

August 25, 1984: Extended to Grosvenor

December 15, 1984: Extended to Shady Grove

September 22, 1990: Extended to Wheaton

July 25, 1998: Extended to Glenmont, line completed.

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Released : 12-26-2013
Size : 602.70 KB
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